association with Swachh Barath Scheme, Dry Waste Management Plan was planned by
the Erode Corporation. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a campaign by the Government of
India, covering 4,041 statutory cities and towns,
to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of
the country. The Volunteers of National Service
Scheme of Kongu Engineering College involved in creating awareness among the
people to collect dry waste such as plastic bags, water bottles etc., from
their surrounding .
An orientation program was arranged by the Erode Corporation on 14.07.2017
in Kongu Engineering College to instruct regarding the Dry Waste Management at 4.30 p.m to the NSS volunteers. Officials
such as Mr.Thangaraj,SO. ,Mr.Jaheer,SO., explained regarding the awareness and
also Mr.Roshan, Founder, Mr.Shakil Muhammad, Organiser, of 'No Food Waste', an
NGO, also joined to specialize this
session. The program ended by 5:30 p.m.
The NSS Volunteers reached the Paneerselvam
Park, Erode at 9:30 a.m. Around 24 volunteers involved in this event.
Mr.Thangarajan,SO instructed the areas to be covered, for the day. All the
volunteers got split into various groups and went through various wards of
Erode city which included Netaji Street, Kacheri Street, Agraharam street,
Periyar Street and its surrounding areas of Zone-4 to create awareness among the people.
They distributed notices that
described the Dry Waste Management Plan to each and every house and shop and
also explained it. They insisted the public to collect dry wastes such as
plastics, bottles, waste clothes, card boards, books , tyres, and electrical
wastes in a common place of their street ,so that every Tuesday the waste would
be disposed by the Corporation workers. About 900 houses and 200 shops were
awared with the plan.
At 1:30 p.m ,the volunteers were left for lunch.
Then again, they began their work. The work lasted till 4:30 p.m. Our Programme
Officers Dr.A.Manimaran, Mr.S.Praveen Kumar and Dr.R.DeviPriya were been a
great support to the volunteers.
9:30 a.m. all the NSS Volunteers reached Erode Court. There, Mr.Thangarajan, SO,
instructed the areas to be covered for the day. About 20 volunteers made their
presence in this event. They got split into groups and started their work.
They distributed the notices and
explained it, following the previous day and also got verified by getting
signatures from the people. The volunteers were guided by the senior NSS
Volunteers. All the volunteers showed their full involvement in this program. At
11:30 a.m. refreshments were provided to
the volunteers.
After that, they started their work and covered areas such as
Sambath nagar, Rani street, Raja street, VIP colony, Arunachalam street ,Sanjay
nagar et., of Zone-2 under Erode Corporation.After lunch at 1.30 p.m. again they
continued their work. The program continued till 3.30 p.m. All the volunteers
returned college with a satisfaction that they had been a part of Clean India