The NSS volunteers of Kongu
Engineering College planned for a special camp at Kanagapuram, Jeeva nagar and
Velampalayam from 13-02-2017 to 19-02-2017.The special camp was titled as “ILAYA
BHARATHAM”. Around 140 NSS Volunteers started the journey from KEC Campus by 2.00
p.m. and reached the camp site at 2.15 p.m. We were assembled in the ground;
the camp was begun with a prayer song, NSS song and thought for the day by the
NSS volunteers. We were divided into different committees and started the work around 2.45 p.m. The NSS
Volunteers cleaned the campus by clearing the stones and grasses in and around
the school campus.
Meanwhile another set of volunteers
involved in the works such as stage decoration, preparing refreshments and some
volunteers went to the village to invite the people for the function and said
about the events of the special camp. Around 5.30 p.m. after finishing their
respective works, refreshments were given to the volunteers. The stage was
decorated and set for the inaugural function.
Around 6.30 p.m. the
Inaugural function was started. It was presided by Mr.K.Krishnaswamy., Dean.,
Kongu Engineering College, Mr.V.K.Muthusamy B.A., B.L., KVITT,
Mr.A.Venkatachalam., Correspondent., Kongu Engineering College, Mrs.Parameshwari Lingamoorthy., B.A., President
KVITT, Mr.C.Kumarasamy B.A.,
B.L., Mr.E.R.K.Krishnan., KVITT, Mr.A.K.Elangovan., Correspondent of Kongu Arts
and Science College and R.M.Devaraja., Correspondent., Kongu Polytechnic
The function was started
with a multimedia about the National Service Scheme of Kongu Engineering
College. The welcome address was given by Mr.K.Krishnaswamy, Dean, Kongu
Engineering College. He started his speech by welcoming the chief guests,
people and the NSS Volunteers. He quoted that, we got independence only after
the greatest struggle of our freedom fighters yet India hasn’t developed. He
encouraged and finished his speech by saying that the fastest development of
our nation is only by the youngsters.
By 6.45 p.m.
Mr.A.Venkatachalam., Correspondent., Kongu Engineering College started his
presidential address by welcoming the chief guests, gathering and the NSS
Volunteers. He acknowledged that the achievement of every great person is due
to their service mentality. He motivated the gathering to do social service and
congratulated the volunteers for their work.
Mrs.Parameshwari Lingamoorthy B.A., President KVITT., started her speech by welcoming all the people. She talked about the active participation of the National Service Scheme of Kongu Engineering College in the special camps of Mulampalayam, Myladi, Kavundampalayam and she also asked the NSS Volunteers to continue their social activities actively. She finished her speech by saying the words of Swami Vivekanandha that “The youngsters should shine”. Around 7.00p.m., Mr.E.R.K.Krishnan., KVITT said about the speciality of Kanagapuram that the word “Kanagam” denotes “Gold”. He blessed the NSS Volunteers to get good name from the villagers. Then the chief guests were honoured with shawl. Followed by his speech Mr.V.K.Muthusamy B.A., B.L., thanked the people for their great regards. He advised the NSS Volunteers and students to follow the service of Mahatma Gandhi. He gave Rupees 10,000 for the improvement of school. Mr.R.Shanmugam., Headmaster., Govt. High school assured that this school will become as one of the best school in Tamil Nadu. At last, the function came to an end by 8.15p.m with a vote of thanks by Dr.R.Devipriya., NSS Programme Officer., Self Financing Unit. She thanked all the guests and people for their regards. There was an interaction session to the volunteers to share their views and difficulties about the first day of the camp. Then the NSS Programme officers motivated the volunteers and finally we reached the hostel by 9.00 p.m.
second day was an afternoon session. The Volunteers started from the College by
1.45 p.m. and reached the camp site by 2.00 p.m. After the prayer song and
thought for the day the work was started by the NSS Volunteers. The main work
scheduled for the day was to teach craft works. Miss. R .Sindhu Priyadharshni
M.Sc., Bhavani taught the students lots of craftwork like earrings and bangles
using silk threads. The students were very interested to learn the craftworks.
Simultaneously, the volunteers started to clean the campus and they removed the grasses in and around the school campus, some volunteers involved in preparing the refreshments and another set of volunteers involved in laying the pavement in the school campus using paver blocks for the betterment of the school. A group of volunteers went to invite the people for the function and gave notice to the people to create awareness about the “Consumer rights”.
By 5.00 p.m. after finishing their respective works, refreshments were given to the volunteers. Around 6.00 p.m. there was an interaction session to the volunteers which was full of fun and entertainment. Meanwhile the stage was decorated and set for the inaugural function.
By 6.45 p.m. the function was
started. The NSS Volunteers welcomed our chief guest Mr.R.Mohan., Professor.,
MBA., Kongu Engineering College., Mr.K.S.Navaneethan., Asst.professor.,
Department of Civil Engineering., Kongu Engineering College and Mr.Gopalasamy,
Kanagapuram., attended the function. Mr.R.Mohan., Professor., MBA., Kongu
Engineering College, Chief guest gave memento
to Miss.R.SindhuPriyadharshni.
The chief guest started his
speech by addressing the gathering. Firstly, he said about Technology Business
Incubator., Kongu Engineering College which was started in the year 2003. He shared
lots of information about it and information about STARTUP-MANIA which was an
online competition. Then he started his speech on the topic “ILAMAI ORU PARUVAK
KAATRU”. He said that China is the largest populated country in the world and
India is the second largest country in the world. But 70% of the India’s
population is comprises of under 30. Hence youths are the pillar of our
country. He exclaimed about Jallikattu protest which was a great milestone of
youth’s willpower. He compared youngsters with the seasonal winds. Then he told
about the importance of the Valentine’s Day and its origination by Saint Valentine
of Rome. He spoke interestingly about the best loves of the world
Salim-Anarkali and also said about most of the today’s love which was
meaningless. He said that love is a word not only meant for a particular
person, it is the most beautiful word of the universe which may be between god
and a devotee, a daughter and mother/father, brother and sister everyone even a
thing. He played songs in the movies Salim-Anarkali and Thiruchitrampalam as an
example of love. He said lot of Thirukkural and poems of Thiruvalluvar and
Bharathiyar respectively. He asked everyone to be very kind to everyone and to
help those in emergency. He suggested that to be compassionate, not to be
silent spectator and quoted that “Youth is the trustee of prosperity” and he
finished his speech by 8.15p.m.
Dr.A.Manimaran., NSS Programme
officer presented a memento to the chief guest. The Vote of thanks was
delivered by R.Karthick manikandan, NSS Volunteer. He thanked the chief guest
and gathering. Around 8.25p.m., Multimedia was presented to create awareness
about the consumer rights. Then cultural was started in which the school
students and the NSS Volunteers participated enthusiastically. At last the
function came to an end by 9.00p.m. And the volunteers reached the hostel by
The third day
was a morning session; the volunteers started their journey and reached the
camp site around 9.15a.m. After the prayer song and thought for the day by the
NSS Volunteers, we split ourselves into different groups and started the works
such as cleaning the camp site, construction works, preparing refreshments and
laying the pavements. Sharply at 10.00 a.m. the stage was set ready for Pranic
Healing and Mrs.K.Gomathi., Asst. Professor., Mechatronics Engineering., Kongu
Engineering College organised this event. Mr.M.Senthilvelu and Mrs.S.Hijru Nisha,
Omni Best Trust presided the function. The NSS Volunteers, school students and
people gathered in front of the stage. They explained about the Pranic healing
that it is the way of meditation, it cures the disease and gives energy to the
body. The speciality of this method is, achieved without touching the body and
related only with the energy body and its mechanism. He asked the gathering to
close the eyes, meditate, then to imagine the Earth in front of us and to
transfer our happiness to the Earth. By doing this one can feel the energy body
around us. He also said about the importance of the sound “OM”.
Mrs.K.Gomathi was honoured and Mr.M.Senthilvelu and Mrs.S.Hijru nisha were given memento by Dr.A.Manimaran., NSS Programme Officer. The function came to an end around 11.00a.m. Meanwhile refreshments were given to the volunteers and students.
At 11.15 a.m. lot of competitions
like essay writing, speech, poem writing and games like slow cycling, musical
chair were conducted to the students of 8th and 9th standard.
Most of the students participated with keen interest. Around 1.30 p.m. lunch
was provided to the volunteers.
By 2.30 p.m. the
afternoon session was started as continuation of morning session, Games like
three legs, frog jump, running race and bucket ball to the primary and middle
school students. There were lot of encouragement to the participants. All the
students actively participated and enjoyed a lot.
Simultaneously, one group started painting the black board, other group started preparing refreshments to the volunteers, and other group involved in preparing the Volley ball court and on the other side a set of volunteers continued to lay the pavements. Meanwhile, a set of volunteers interacted with the 10th standard students, they motivated them and said some useful tips to handle stress and tackle the Public Examination.
By 5.00p.m. after completing the respective works, there was an
interaction session to the volunteers which was filled with fun and
entertainment. The NSS Volunteers actively participated in the interaction and
made the session interesting. The refreshments were provided around 6.00 p.m. Then
the stage was set ready for the function.
By 6.30 p.m. the function was started. The NSS Volunteers welcomed
our Chief guest Dr.P.Vadivel M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Assistant Professor., Department
of Mathematics., Kongu Engineering College. The chief guest addressed the
gathering and started his speech on the topic “UNAKKUL ORUVAN”. He quoted
the words of Swami Vivekananda that “God stays in everyone’s heart, so help the
needy”. According to Bhagavad-Gita, the people who do their deeds without
expectations are called Karma Yogis and he appreciated
He said that everyone has Jeevathma within
their Paramathma which is different for everyone. He told that the people have
two characters one influences them to think positive and another influences
them to think negative hence he asked the people to be optimistic in their
attitude and not be a pessimistic. He told that people can develop good
character by helping others. He also added that people should be selfless and
they should not be greedy. He told that the people who have good thoughts will
have higher level of self-confidence. He said that God is just a spectator of
our deeds either it may be good or bad. He advised the students that one should
not have over-confidence and inferiority complex. He compared present
educational system with the Gurukulam and inferred that the method of Gurukulam
is better than our present system because it teaches the facts of life. He told
that we should not repeat the actions, which our conscience says wrong because
the result of our actions will be experienced only by us. He suggested the students not to waste the food.
He told that we should not underestimate others.
He told many thoughts of Swami
Vivekananda, Socrates and Ramahamsa Paramahamsar. He said that faith is a
weapon for people to develop themselves. He warned the people not to have fear
and anxiety. He said that it is better to have belief in you than having belief
in god. He advised the NSS Volunteers to continue their services. He said that
everything in our world rotates from right to left which is called cosmic
energy. Mr.Vishvanathan , Kangapuram
gave memento to Mr.Vadivel. The vote of thanks was given by Mr.Subramani,
Kanagapuram. Then multimedia was presented about the Tamil culture by the NSS
volunteers at 8.00 p.m. At last there was a cultural session at 8.30p.m in
which the NSS volunteers.
The school students exhibited their talents and entertained the gathering by singing, mime, mimicry, and skit. A crew of students performed a mime, creating awareness on the usage of mobile phones. It made the crowd very enjoyable. Their cultural not only entertained but also created awareness among the people. Finally the function came to an end by 9.30p.m. Then there was an interaction about the overall view of the three days camp and we reached the hostel around 10.15p.m.
The fourth day was a morning session; the volunteers started their
journey and reached the camp site around 9.00a.m. After the prayer song and
thought for the day by the NSS Volunteers, we splitted ourselves into different
groups and started the works such as painting the blackboard and school
buildings and also continued to lay the pavements and some volunteers involved
in preparing the volley ball court to the students.
The refreshments were prepared by some NSS Volunteers and provided around 11.00a.m. At 11.30a.m a set of volunteers collected the soil sample from the people in
Kanagapuram and sent for testing.
Simultaneously, Yoga was presided by Mrs.A.Meenakshi., M.Phil(yoga), Mr.S.S.M.Sathish
Khanth., Kongu Engineering College. Some of the NSS Volunteers also accompanied
them to teach yoga to the 8th and 9th standard students.
Many students participated eagerly. Through this programme the students learned
how to concentrate on studies.
By 12.30p.m some of the NSS
Volunteers went for tree plantation to police station, Vellode and planted 10
trees around it. At 1.00 p.m. the lunch was provided to the Volunteers.
By 2.00 p.m. the afternoon session was started
by doing field works like cleaning the school campus, constructing cycle sheds
and continued laying the pavements. Simultaneously the Yoga practice was given
to the 6th and 7th standard students. They also attended
the function with keen interest. Around 3.00 p.m., the NSS volunteers taught
chess, abacus, Vedic maths, spoken Hindi and English to the school students. They
learned it very interestingly and enthusiastically.
Around 4.00p.m. 15 trees were planted in and around the school campus. At the same time another set of Volunteers involved in decorating the stage for the function and sharply by 4.15p.m the stage was set ready for the function. The function was presided by Mr.Palanisamy., Kanagapuram and Mr.M.S.Sampath Kumar., Kiramiya Makkal Iyakam., Thoravallur and Dr.A.Manimaran., NSS Programme Officer honoured Mr.Palanisamy.
The function was started by 4.30p.m and Mr.M.S.Sampath Kumar started
addressing the gathering. He quoted that, “One tree makes no garland” and also
added that we should not believe anyone and an individual should always have
social responsibilities.
He appreciated the NSS Volunteers for our
social services and asked them to do more plantations and to create awareness
against plastics. Then he told about Black babul trees which is very harmful to
nature because it sucks more underground water and even absorbs moisture in the
air. He motivated the gathering by giving a lot of examples.
He also spoke about the present issues like water scarcity, drought which are the impacts of deforestation and urbanization. He gave a brief explanation about river Cauvery, LBP and dams. Finally, the function came to an end by 5.30p.m by giving memento to Mr.M.S.Sampath Kumar by Dr.A.Manimaran and Mr.S.S.M.Sathish Khanth by Mr.M.S.Sampath Kumar. Around 5.30p.m the refreshments were provided to the NSS Volunteers.
The function was started at
6.30p.m. The NSS Volunteers welcomed our Chief guest Dr.K.Kannan., Assistant
Professor., Department of chemical., Kongu Engineering College. The function
was presided by Dr.R.Parameshwaran., HOD., Department of Mechatronics., KEC and
Mr.Gopalasamy., Kanagapuram. Dr.K.Kannan greeted all the gathering and started
his speech on the topic “SIKKANAM THEVAI IKKANAM”. He said that we should learn
to save money before earning and the first part of savings is budget
preparation. He said that whatever may be the income we should save 20% for our
next generation. And he also added that now-a-days, in family both husband and
wife are going to job, to increase their income. He said to spend limited
amount of money and asked to save more money and he also said that we should
not be more lavish. The lavishness starts when our heart does not satisfy and
expects more than what we have and finally this lead to debts. He also asked
the Youth to save money and not to expect the parents for their needs.
He said that the today’s situation
leads to water scarcity and notifies that we should save not only money but
also water and electricity which are very scarce today. For example, U.S.Rot
Willer became a manager of Petrol Chemical Industries by his own savings. He
suggested that we should not make useful things useless and we must use the
savings for a good deed. He also advised us to switch off the light and fan
when not in use. He mentioned that our next generation should use only recycled
water and hence they should know the importance of savings. He advised us not
to be so luxurious and to lead a satisfied life. Now a day people spend most of
their pocket money on mobile data but now at present JIO SIM had saved it. He
concluded by saying that Smile is a beautiful flower and savings is a most beautiful
flower and he also advised the youngsters to have more friends. He thanked
Dr.A.Manimaran, Mr.S.Praveen kumar and Dr.R.Devipriya., NSS Programme Officers
for giving this opportunity to address the gathering. Then the vote of thanks
was given by a NSS Volunteer and finally, the function came to an end by 7.15
Around 7.30p.m., the function “IYARKAIYIN VALIMAI MANITHANIN SELLUMAI” was presided by Mr.Robinson and his group. Green Cross India, Erode. He created awareness about the snakes. He gave an introduction about his organization that it is a non-profit organization. He informed that the death rate due to snake bites is very high in India when compared to other countries of the world and it is around 50,000 annually. Elephant death may be one for month but hundreds of snake dies per month. This indicates the snake has no protection at present hence some of the varieties of snakes may become extinct. He advised not to play with snake because it reacts much faster. If the snake bites the person in the body, 99% we cannot save them. He said that there are about 3000 species of snakes in which only 270 species are in India, among them 60 are Venomous. He also explained about the shedding of skin and he also added that hence snake is a reptile its skin becomes rough very sooner, in order to remove its roughness the snake sheds its skin. He said about the snake body it has visibility that no nose or ears. He also informed us about, how a snake bites and swallows the predators. He briefly explained about the poison of snake bite and how to get rid of it. He advised not to have superstitious beliefs and to do the first aid properly. He gave lot of tips to save our lives and how to do first aids. There was an interaction many asked their doubts. The function came to an end by 9.00p.m by giving memento to Mr.Robinson, Green Cross India.
Around 9.05 p.m. the cultural programmes were started, in which various
students participated actively. The students participated in dance and
gymnastic and entertained the gathering. A comical debate was conducted by
students and staff of Middle school, Kanagapuram.
Then there was an interaction among volunteers in which the overall view of the four days camp was discussed and we reached the hostel around 10.00p.m.
The fifth day was a morning session. The volunteers
started their journey and reached the camp site by 9.00a.m. It was initiated
with a prayer song and thought for the day by the NSS Volunteers. We split
ourselves into various groups and started the work such as cleaning the camp
site, painting the school, construction works, wall painting, preparing
refreshments and continued laying the pavements.
By 10.00 a.m., the NSS volunteers taught the village people and students about filling the government forms and bank forms. Around 11.00a.m there was an agricultural exhibition for the people in which various projects related to agriculture done by Kongu Engineering College students were explained to the people by the NSS Volunteers. They also explained about the robotics, water rocketry to the students. Then the lunch was provided at about 1.00p.m for the volunteers after finishing all their respective works.
The afternoon session began by 2.00p.m. The
NSS Volunteers continued their field works like cleaning the school campus,
constructing cycle sheds, painting the school and laying the pavements. Around
3.30p.m, NSS volunteers along with the school students of Kanagapuram went for
the rally to the village and created awareness about tree plantation among all
the people of the Kanagapuram and Jeeva nagar. All the students participated in
the rally with fascination.
By 4.00 p.m. the function was conducted about the topic “E-Transaction”. The function was presided by Mr.A.Venkatachalam B.Sc., Correspondent, Kongu Engineering College and Mr.C.Kumarasamy., B.A., B.L., KVITT and the chief guest of the function was Mr.Sureshmanoharan B.E., Secretary., Textile Industry., SIPCOT., Perundurai. The chief guest started his speech by addressing the gathering.
He said that we are the millionaires of the digital India and he also added that in our generations the changes occurs very fast. He gave a suitable example for today’s technology development as the advent of the mode of communication from landline to mobile phones and from BSNL to JIO SIM. He explained the gathering about the need of the digital India. He also said that excess cash leads to corruption and thus digital transaction has lot of benefits. He appreciated the NSS Volunteers and also asked them to create awareness about E-Transactions to the people and to provide bank account to the people. Finally, the function came to an end at 6.30 p.m. by giving memento to Mr.Sureshmanoharan B.E., Secretary, Textile Industry., SIPCOT, Perundurai by Mr.C.Kumarasamy, Kanagapuram Then the refreshments were provided to the NSS Volunteers.
The function
was started at 7.00 p.m. The program of that evening was debate, presided by
Mr.A.Venkatachalam B.Sc., Correspondent, Kongu Engineering College and
Mr.C.Kumarasamy B.A., B.L., KVITT. The judge of that debate was Dr.K.Tamilarasan,
Head of Physics Department., Kongu Engineering College. The Topic of the debate
THADAMMAARI SELGIRATHA?”. Mr.P.Ravichandran., Assistant Professor.,
Mechatronics Department., Kongu Engineering College., Mrs.A.Sheela., Assistant
Professor., Department of EEE., Kongu Engineering College., Mrs.D.Indira.,
Assistant Professor., Department of E&I., Kongu Engineering College, Mr. D.
Vijay Anandh., Assistant Professor., IT., Kongu Engineering College had given
their ideas on the topic “Ilaingargalin Pokku Munetra Paathaiyil Selgirathu”
and Dr.S.Vijayachithra., Professor., Department of E&I., Kongu Engineering
College, Mr. S.Venkatachalam., Assistant Professor., Department of Civil.,
Kongu Engineering College, Mr D. Sivabalaselvamani., Assistant Professor., MCA.,
Kongu Engineering College, Mrs.S.KavithaBharathi., Assistant Professor., MCA.,
Kongu Engineering College., gave their ideas on the topic " Ilaingargalin
Pokku Thadammaari Selgirathu".
The team "Ilaingargalin
Pokku Munetra Paathaiyil Selgirathu" was lead by Mr. P.Ravichandran,
Assistant Professor., Mechatronics Department., Kongu Engineering College., he
stated that the NSS Volunteers are the resemblance of youngsters. He added that
the NSS Volunteers are working with truthfulness towards their goals. The
youngsters have more knowledge and had worked in a non-violent way to achieve
their goals for which he quoted the example of Jallikatu protest. He also
stated the unity of youngsters during the floods in Chennai and Cuddalore
regions was marvellous. He stated that the present generation is on the right
path to transform India into a developed nation.
From the team
“Ilaingargalin Pokku Thadammaari Selgirathu” Dr.S.Vijayasithra, Professor,
Department of E&I., Kongu Engineering College, started her speech by saying
that the youngsters have been the reason for many dreadful issues in our
country such as Delhi Nirbhaya’s case and Chennai Infosys Swathi’s case. She
also stated that the youngsters are not having proper communication with their
parents and instead they spend their time on social networks.
Then from the team “Ilaingargalin Pokku
Munetra Paathaiyil Selgirathu” Mrs. A.Sheela, Assistant Professor., Department
of EEE., Kongu Engineering College., started her speech. She quoted the words
of our former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam that, the developed India is only
in the hands of youngsters. She criticized
the opinion of the opposition team that the use of same
social networking site has made the Jallikatu protest a grand success. She also
said that we should not have wrong opinion on our youngsters.
from the team “Ilaingargalin Pokku Thadammaari Selgirathu” Mr. S.Venkatachalam,
Assistant Professor., Department of Civil., Kongu Engineering College, began
his speech by saying that the youngsters are irresponsible and selfish. They
consume alcohol and drive motorbikes rashly which causes road accidents. They
are not interested in studying instead they spend their time leisurely and wastes
money. He also enlightened the point that most of the divorces happen today and
he also added that the reason behind this is the youngsters are not so matured.
From the team
“Ilaingargalin Pokku Munetra Paathaiyil Selgirathu” Mrs. D.Indhira, Assistant
Professor., Department of E&I., Kongu Engineering College delivered her
speech. She said that youngsters are future leaders of modern India. She stated
that Bharathiyar had written many motivational books about youngsters.
Youngsters have proved that they are quite responsible enough to take part in
social activities and protest against injustice. She suggested that many
youngsters should step into politics to transform India into a developed nation.
from the team “Ilaingargalin Pokku Thadammaari Selgirathu” Mr.D. Sivabalaselvamani,
Assistant Professor., MCA, Kongu Engineering College started his speech. He
began his speech by saying that the present generation families do not have any
understanding amongst them. The youngsters are not respecting their parents and
not taking care of them. Indian has the highest count of youngsters but still
it is a developing nation. He finished his speech by criticizing the opposite
from the team “Ilaingargalin Pokku Munetra Paathaiyil Selgirathu” Mr.D.Vijay
Anandh, Assistant Professor., IT., Kongu Engineering College started his speech
by saying that each youngster is unique and precious. They do not follow the
path led by others. He also added that always the youngsters make a path and
travel in the way to success.
from the team “Ilaingargalin Pokku Thadammaari Selgirathu”
Mrs.S.KavithaBharathi, Assistant Professor., MCA, Kongu Engineering College
started her speech by saying that the youngsters are not matured to take
responsibilities. They are addicted to drinking, smoking and drugs. They
understand the word love in a wrong way and react very badly. Hence they are
destroying our culture.
Dr.K.Tamilarasan, Head of
Physics Department., Kongu Engineering College delivered his ideas on both the topics.
But finally, he announced that the youngsters are spoiling our environment and
culture. Hence his judgment was in favour of the topic “Thadammaari
Selgirathu”. Finally the function came to an end at 8:50 p.m. by giving memento
Dr. K. Tamilarashan by Mr.C.Kumarasamy. Then Mr. C. Kumarasamy gave memento the
members of the team “Ilaingargalin Pokku Munetra Paathaiyil Selgirathu” and Mr.A.Venkatachalam
B.Sc., Correspondent, Kongu Engineering College., presented the memento to the
members of the team “Thadammaari Selgirathu”.
The cultural programmes
started by 9:00 p.m. The students actively participated in dance, singing,
drama and gymnastics. Then there was an interaction among Volunteers to discuss
about the overall view of the five days camp and we reached the hostel at 10.00p.m.
The fifth day was
a morning session. The volunteers started their journey and reached the camp
site at 9.00a.m. It was initiated with a prayer song and thought for the day by
the NSS Volunteers. Then we split ourselves into various groups and started the
work such as cleaning the camp site, painting the school, construction works,
wall painting, preparing refreshments and continued laying the pavements.
By 10.00a.m.
Medical camp was conducted for the people. The medical camp was presided
by Dr.M.Rajendran., Principal., Medical College., Perundurai. The medical camp
consisted of general check up, children care, blood grouping, Ortho check up,
Ear nose and Throat check up, Eye check up and tests such as ECG were also
taken. Many people were benefitted from this medical camp. Meanwhile the
refreshment was served to the volunteers around 11.30 a.m. Then the NSS
Volunteers continued doing the work and then the lunch was provided to the
Volunteers around 1.00 p.m.
The afternoon session began at 2.00p.m. The NSS Volunteers continued
their field works like cleaning the school campus, constructing cycle sheds,
painting the school and laying the pavements. Function was conducted on
the topic “IYARKAI VIVASAYAM KAALATHIN KATAYAM”. The function was presided by
Mr. A. Somasundharam, Assistant Professsor., Mechatronics Department., Kongu
Engineering College and Mr. K.V. Govindharajan Ph.d and Mrs. Jayalakshmi
Govindharajan. Firstly Mr. A. Somasundharam, Assistant Professsor.,
Mechatronics Department., Kongu Engineering College greeted the gathering. He
spoke about natural farming and its need at the current scenario. He said that
farmers should use natural fertilizers such as cow’s humus in their field.
He suggested that in order
to increase production we must use natural fertilizers. As a token of love and
gratitude a memento was presented to Mr. K.V. Govindharajan by Mr. A. Somasundharam.
Then Mr K.V. Govindharajan began his special address. He said that it is very
important to use natural fertilizers and most of the farm land has degraded due
to artificial fertilizers after the Green Revolution. Endosulphon and parthenium must be banned in
Tamil Nadu. He added that White Revolution in India was the main cause for the death
of many indigenous cow breeds. We must take steps to protect these breeds. He
said that Prosopis Juliflora must be removed from Tamil Nadu. It absorbs lot of
water and affects the surrounding plants. He suggested that banyan tree, peepal
tree and Tulasi plant must be planted. Then Mrs. Jayalakshmi Govindharajan expressed
her ideas. She said that most of the food that we consume is adulterated and so
it causes diseases. She said that pulses are rich in protein but no one is
making use of that. Hence consuming it would reduce the sugar level and
cholesterol. Then Mr. A. Somasundharam, Assistant Professsor., Mechatronics
Department., Kongu Engineering College presented the memento to Mrs Jayalakshmi
Govindharajan. Finally Mr.A.Somasundharam, Assistant Professsor., Mechatronics
Department., Kongu Engineering College concluded the programme with a vote of
The function
started around 6.45p.m. The main event of this programme was speech on the
topic “WAYS TO LEAD A HEALTHY LIFE”. The event was presided by Mrs. Pallavi K.
Paramasivam B.A., Perundurai Educational Trust., Perundurai, Mr.A.Venkatachalam
B.Sc., Correspondent, Kongu Engineering College and the Chiefguest of the
function was Mrs.B.S.Nivedha BNYS., Chief Doctor., Udumalpet, Mrs. B. Savitha
and Mr V.S. Senthil Kumar. Mrs.S.Sharmila., Assistant Professor., Department of
Civil Engineering also attended the function. The Chief Guest started the function
with a welcome speech and she quoted that ‘Health is Wealth’. She said that
most of the foods we consume are adulterated. But we should know to distinguish
between good and bad. We should not waste the water and electricity. She also
suggested that the NSS volunteers to create awareness among the public to save
Mrs.B.S.Nivedha BNYS., Chief Doctor.,
Udumalpet, started her speech by chanting Om mantra to refresh ourselves. She
said that bacteria and some viruses are useful to the body. But we are using tablets
and medicines to destroy them and she also added that person with less immunity
are easily affected by bacteria. To keep our body healthy we must follow
natural ways to cure the diseases. The best natural medicine according to the
Chief Guest is Yoga. She added that each cell in our body is made of
panchabuthas. By increasing the durability of the panchabuthas we can increase
the span of our life. She asked the gathering to wake up early morning because
ozone is rich in air from 3.00a.m to 5.00a.m., this result in good functioning
of liver.
She suggested drinking rain
water, falls water and coconut water instead of mineral water and soft drinks.
She said about the benefits of various vegetables, green leaves, etc and she
also asked the gathering to use vessels made of mud for cooking.
There was an interaction session in which the NSS volunteers, school
students and the people asked lot of questions to the Chief Guest. She answered
those questions with reasonable answers and gave useful tips to the NSS
Volunteers, students and the people. Then Mrs M. Dhanalakshmi Murugesan gave
memento to Mrs.B.S.Nivedha BNYS., Chief Doctor., Udumalpet.
Followed, a discussion was presided on the topic “LAW AWARENESS”, by Mr.
P. Balasubramaniam M.L, Mrs. B. Savitha M.L and Mr V.S. Senthil Kumar B.A.,
B.L., The full session was an interaction session, where the NSS volunteers,
students and the people asked many questions like can a girl be called for
investigation after 6.00 p.m., and he answered that law does not allow a girl
to go for investigation after 6.00 p.m., but if situation permits they can.
Hence it was very interesting session, since we could clear our doubts. He also
explained in detail about the Indian constitution.
Mr.A.Venkatachalam presented the memento to Mr. P. Balasubramaniam M.L, Mrs. B. Savitha M.L and Mr V.S. Senthil Kumar B.A., B.L., Finally the vote of thanks was given by Mr. I.Gopal Krishnan, NSS volunteer. The function came to an end around 8.45 p.m.
There was cultural for the school students and many students participated
enthusiastically. And there was an interaction session in which the NSS
volunteers and the NSS programme officers interacted about the six days camp
activities around 9.15 p.m. We reached the hostel around 10.15 p.m.
The valedictory function of the NSS
Camp 2017 was held in the school campus of Kanagapuram, in the presence of many
special delegates. On the final day all the works had been finished by the
volunteers and they involved in the arrangements of the camp site for the
function. Around 6.30p.m after the refreshments, all the NSS volunteers
assembled in the camp site with the completion of the allotted works. Before
the function was started Professor.S.Kuppuswami, Principal, Kongu Engineering
College and Mr.A.Venkatachalam, Correspondent, Kongu Engineering College reopened
the”Stone Invention”. The function was started around 6.50p.m. It was presided
by Mr.S.Kuppuswami., Principal., Kongu Engineering College., Perundurai, Mr.A.Venkatachalam.,
Correspondent., Kongu Engineering College, Mr.E.K.Lingamoorthy M.A., KVITT,
Mr.C.Kumarasamy., B.A., B.L., KVITT,
Mr.P.C.Palanisamy B.Sc B.L ., KVITT and Mr.V.P.Sivasubramani., M.L.A was
the chief guest of the function.
The welcome address was given
by our honourable principal Mr.S.Kuppuswami. He welcomed the correspondent,
trustees, guests, people, school students, program officers and NSS volunteers.
He said about the special camp conducted by the National Service Scheme of
Kongu Engineering College every year. He told that each year the NSS volunteers
would adopt a village and work for the development of the people. He also added
that, especially the NSS Volunteers will work for the betterment of the school
students and the Kongu Vellalar Institute of Technology Trust allots about 1.5
lakhs to the NSS Special Camp programme. He congratulated the Volunteers for
their great work.
The special address was
given by Mr.V.P.Sivasubramani., M.L.A. He started his speech by welcoming the
gathering and he said that he is very proud to speak in the camp site because he
studied in the same school. He thanked the Trustees for selecting this school
as the camp site. Mr. Shanmugam., Headmaster honoured Mr.Sivasubramani by
giving a memento as a token of love and gratitude. Then the speech was
continued by Mr.A.Venkatachalam., he congratulated the three pillars of
National Service Scheme of Kongu Engineering College Dr.A.Manimaran,
Mr.S.Praveen Kumar and Dr.S.Devipriya who motivated the NSS Volunteers and responsible
for their great works. He also thanked Mr.Sivasubramani for accepting the
invitation and he also thanked our Trustees for allocating funds and supporting
Social Services. He specially thanked the village people for their great
support to the Volunteers. Around 7.15 p.m. the prizes where distributed to the
school students by the honourable people on the Dias.
the prize distribution Dr.A.Manimaran., NSS Programme Officer gave a detailed
description about the objectives of the Special camp 2017 “ILAYA BHARATHAM”
and the work done by the NSS Volunteers.
He also said about the events organized by the NSS Volunteers of Kongu
Engineering College. He gave a report of the special camp 2017 activities from
the inaugural function to the valedictory function.
Mr.K.A.Magudeshwaran., Kanagapuram greeted the chief guests, people, staff,
school students and the NSS Volunteers. He informed the gathering that about 15
NSS students approached the Headmaster of Government High School, Kanagapuram
and got permission for organizing the camp on the Republic day. He also
exclaimed that no one thought that the Volunteers will be doing such great
works to the school and people. He thanked the chief guests, Principal,
Correspondent, Trustees, NSS Programme Officers and the NSS volunteers. Finally,
he greeted that the NSS Volunteers of Kongu Engineering College perfectly
organized and worked for those 7 days and they were with good discipline. The Trustees were honoured by the Headmaster.
Then the opportunity was given to the school students to share their views.
Selvi. Dhivyashri, 7th standard, Selvi. Tamilselvan, 6th
standard and Selvan. Karthikannan, 5th standard shared their views. They said
that the NSS Volunteers are so kind, they taught them lot of craft works,
conducted games, cleaned the campus and they emotionally felt that we were
going back.
Then the vote of thanks was given by
Mr.S.Praveen kumar., NSS Programme officer. He delivered his vote of thanks by
welcoming all the delegates who came to the function by extending their warm
regards to the National Service Scheme of Kongu Engineering College. He first
of all thanked Mr.S.Kuppuswami, Principal, Mr.A.Venkatachalam, Correspondent and
KVIT Trust members for giving this chance to do service for the people. He also
thanked all the guests who attended the function from the first day to the last
day and motivated the NSS Volunteers to do service and extended their support
to them.
Mrs.Rajamani, Teacher, Government High School,
Kanagapuram welcomed the gathering and started her speech by appreciating the
NSS Volunteers of Kongu Engineering College for their service mentality,
discipline and smart work. She asked the school students to be like the NSS
Volunteers in their future so that our society will be good. And she also added
that soon India would become a developed nation due to the youngsters. She
finished her speech by thanking the chief guest, principal, correspondent,
Trustees, three pillars of National Service Scheme and the NSS Volunteers on
behalf of the staff and students of the Government High School, Kanagapuram.
Valedictory function of Special camp 2017 came to an end by 7.50 p.m. The
multimedia about the activities done by the NSS Volunteers in the 7 days camp
was presented. Then the cultural was started in which the school students and NSS
Volunteers participated actively. The students exhibited their talents such as
dancing and they also performed a mime regarding the Farmer’s suicide and
created awareness among the gathering. At last the function came to an end around
10.00p.m., after the review session of the special camp “ILAYA BHARATHAM” in
which the NSS volunteers and the NSS programme officers shared the experience
about the camp. Finally we reached the college at 10.30 p.m.